4 Stretches To Help You Relieve Stress & Pain

According to Harvard Health; stretching helps our health by keeping muscles flexible, strong, and maintain the range of motion in our joints. The most critical areas are calves, hamstrings, and hip flexors in the pelvis and quads. Keep in mind, stretching the shoulders, neck, and lower back are also valuable to maintaining healthy muscles. It is recommended to have a daily stretching regimen three to four times a week.

Using Incrediwear during or after each regimen accelerates your recovery time and keeps your muscles from getting sore, especially if you are just starting out or have just recovered from an injury. Don’t allow fatigued muscles or injury keep you from living happy, healthy, and active. We have put together some basic stretching techniques that can help keep you moving and keep your muscles healthy.

Cobra Pose

1. Cobra Pose – Relief for Back Pain
Lie down on your stomach, with your face resting on the floor. Put your hands on either side, about the middle of your ribcage. Bring your legs together and press the tops of your feet to the floor. Press evenly with your hands as you bring your elbows close to your ribcage. Using the strength of your back only, lift your head and chest while sliding your shoulder blades back. Inhale deeply 5 to 10 times before slowly and gently returning to lying flat on your stomach again. As you release to the floor, turn your head to one side.
2. Supported Warrior – Relief for Knee Pain 
Stand up straight and place both hands at shoulder height against the wall. Step forward with your right foot making your toes touch the wall. Next, bend your elbows as if you’re trying to push the wally away from you. Step with your left foot behind you, slightly bending your left knee toward the floor. Hold and take about 10 to 15 deep breaths, then slowly straighten your left leg while bending you right knee. Make sure your knee does not extend past your ankle. Hold this position for 10 to 15 deep breaths before slowly stepping your left foot forward to meet your right foot. Then switch leg positions and complete the process again.

Butterfly pose

3. Butterfly – Relief for Hip Pain
Sit flat on the floor, using a pad or blanket. Bring the soles of your feet together, tucked in as close to you as possible. Your knees should be wide so that your legs form a diamond shape. Keep your back completely straight and shoulders relaxed. Take a couple of deep breaths, then gently and slowly let your legs drop, allowing your knees to lower toward the floor. If you need more support for relief, you can place blocks or pillows under your knees.
4. Wall Walk – Relief for Elbow & Shoulder Pain
Face the wall with your feet about hip-width apart. Put your palms against the wall with arms extended. Slowly and gently lean forward, allowing your body to rest on your hands. Keep your body in a straight line with your arms in as you are bending your elbows, moving closer and closer to the wall. When your nose touches the wall or if you start to feel any discomfort, slowly push back to the standing position.

Using Incrediwear during or after each regimen accelerates your recovery time and keeps your muscles from getting sore, especially if you are just starting out or have just recovered from an injury. Don’t allow fatigued muscles or injury keep you from living happy, healthy, and active. We have put together some basic stretching techniques that can help keep you moving and keep your muscles healthy.


Do you have gloves or relief from hand pain, arthritis?

Kathleen December 18, 2019

This was an awesome post! Thanks for sharing! Love what you guys are doing.

Ahmad December 18, 2019

My first time purchase today. I am a Brazilian Jiujitsu and Tae Kwon Do practitioner hoping the knee and ankle sleeves actually do what they claim. I currently wear MAVA knee sleeves and they do the job but since I see and hear the incrediwear claims I am eager to see if they help relieve my knee pain and foot neuropathy. I am praying that the boast from incrediwear that they work for neuropathy is not just a sales gimmick but a confirmable claim. I will post an update four weeks after I receive my sleeves. Fingers crossed. Oss.

Julian December 18, 2019

Ive just purchased the knee brace from Fiddleheads…
Ill like to know if i can heat the brace before applying on…in other words a warm application.

Paulina ELLIS December 18, 2019

would love photos for the movements of these stretches… thanks

Lynn December 18, 2019

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