How To Stay Consistent With Working Out

Did you make a lofty New Year’s resolution in January? Perhaps you started out the year with the best of intentions, determined that this would be the year you’d get fit and reach your goals once and for all. 

If your motivation is waning and your good intentions are falling by the wayside, don’t beat yourself up. You are in the majority! Research has shown that the vast majority of New Year’s resolutions have failed or been abandoned by mid-February. 

However, there are strategies you can put in place to keep the momentum going and capitalize on all the effort you’ve put in so far. Here are our top tips to help you stay motivated and stay fit this year. 

How Can You Stay Consistent With Working Out This Year?

1. Remember Your “Why”

Why did you want to get fit in the first place? Everyone’s “why” will be different, and there are no right or wrong answers here. Perhaps you want to reduce chronic pain, be more able to run around with your kids or grandkids or look amazing on your wedding day. What matters is that your “why” is something that really matters to you. 

Every time you feel your motivation dipping, remind yourself of the reasons you’re doing this. You could even write a note to yourself and stick it in a prominent place where you will see it every day. Having a strong reason will encourage you to get out for your workout, even on days when you really don’t feel like it. 

2. Reward Yourself

Creating a reward system can help you boost your motivation and give you an incentive to keep pushing forward through the February slump. 

Why not pledge to treat yourself to some new running shoes, some post-workout recovery wear from Incrediwear, or even a new fitness tracker if you manage to stick to your goals throughout February? You could also choose an experience-based reward, such as a spa day, getting a massage, booking a trip with your significant other, or going to see your favorite sports team play. 

The only thing that matters is that whatever you choose should feel exciting and motivating to you. It’s best not to choose food-based rewards, as this can set you up to think of food in terms of emotions rather than as nourishment for your body. 

3. Set Small, Achievable Goals 

Achieving a goal can be incredibly motivating. For that reason, even if you are working towards one large overall goal (such as running a half marathon or being able to deadlift a certain amount of weight), small interim goals can give you the sense of achievement you need to keep going. 

Your small goals should be the right balance of challenging yet achievable. For example, if you’re currently very sedentary, start by challenging yourself to go for a 15-minute walk each day at lunchtime. 

If you’re training for a race, aim to increase your mileage slightly on your next run. If you went to the gym twice last week, go three times this week.

4. Team Up With a Friend 

Many of us are better at being accountable to other people than to ourselves. Having a workout buddy not only makes exercise more fun but can also help to ensure you’ll actually get those workouts in. 

If you have a friend or family member who is also trying to get fit, why not agree to work out together and support each other? If you know you have someone waiting for you and relying on you, you are far less likely to snooze your alarm and skip your gym session. 

5. Try Something New 

One reason that many people struggle with motivation to keep up a fitness regime is that they do not enjoy the activities they are doing. If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, you will never keep it up long-term, no matter how hard you try. If you hate running, then this just means it is not the right sport for you. 

Instead, try new things with the goal of finding a type of exercise you enjoy. Try out group fitness classes, have a go at dancing or yoga, swap running for cycling or swimming, or join a local sports team. 

Don’t worry if it takes you a few attempts to find your fitness passion. It is worth the time investment because if you love the activity you’re doing, you will maintain your motivation without even needing to think about it. 

6. Diversify Your Routines 

To optimize fitness goals, incorporate a variety of workout routines beyond traditional cardio exercises. Integrate strength training sessions into your regimen to build muscle, rev up metabolism, and aid in weight loss. 

Experiment with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for increased calorie burn and improved endurance. Embrace a well-rounded workout plan that caters to both cardiovascular health and muscular strength, ensuring a holistic approach to achieving comprehensive fitness goals.

6. Tailor Your Habits To Fit Your Busy Lifestyles 

Adapting workouts to suit busy schedules is crucial for consistency. Utilize fitness apps providing quick, impactful workouts that fit into tight time frames. Leverage LinkedIn communities or fitness groups for tips on managing workout schedules amidst a demanding routine. 

Setting realistic fitness goals that accommodate time constraints while prioritizing overall well-being is essential. Flexibility in exercise routines ensures regular physical activity, promoting better health and fitness despite a hectic lifestyle.

7. Add Rest Days and Recovery 

Integrating rest days into your workout routine is integral for overall fitness. Emphasize the significance of recovery in achieving measurable fitness goals and avoiding overtraining. It’s important to take as good care of your mental health as you do your physical health when you begin working out. 

Consider workouts that balance both aspects, promoting a holistic well-being approach. Quality gym bags help organize workout clothes and gear, and Incrediwear products can help support your recovery, creating a relaxed and effective exercise experience. Prioritizing mental rejuvenation alongside physical recovery contributes significantly to overall fitness and wellness.

8. Build Accountability and Support 

Use fitness trackers or personal trainers to boost workout consistency and goal attainment. Leverage fitness apps to monitor progress and track your fitness journey. Engage with like-minded individuals to create a supportive network for shared fitness objectives. 

Encourage open discussions about workout routines and challenges to foster a supportive community. These support systems not only enhance accountability but also elevate energy levels, promoting overall well-being on the fitness journey.

9. Embrace Personalized Fitness Strategies

Tailoring workouts to personal preferences and needs fosters a more sustainable fitness journey. Explore different types of exercises to find what resonates with you, whether it's strength training, yoga, or cardio. 

Avoid overtraining by varying workout intensities and types, preventing burnout and injury. Incorporate fitness apps or platforms offering diverse exercise routines adaptable to individual fitness levels. 

Consider seeking guidance from certified professionals like Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS) for personalized workout plans aligned with your fitness goals. Prioritize well-being by balancing different types of exercises, ensuring a comprehensive and enjoyable fitness routine that supports both physical and mental health.

Wrapping Up

The journey toward holistic wellness involves diversifying workout routines, accommodating busy schedules, embracing recovery, fostering accountability, and personalizing fitness strategies. Balancing rest days, varied workouts, and mental health support contributes to achieving long-term fitness goals. 

Integrating personalized fitness plans and building supportive communities through social platforms enhances motivation and success. By prioritizing a well-rounded fitness routine, individuals foster not just physical health but also mental well-being, elevating overall wellness. 

Embracing these multifaceted approaches establishes a sustainable path toward comprehensive fitness, ensuring a fulfilling and enduring fitness journey.


Chronic Pain | Johns Hopkins Medicine.

3 Reasons to Work Out With a Friend | CDC

Swimming - health benefits | Better Health

9 Benefits of Yoga | Johns Hopkins Medicine

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