6 Home Workouts Anyone Can Master

There are numerous advantages to working out at home. Exercising at home is cheaper than a gym membership, and you can do it in all weathers. Home workouts often require minimal or no equipment to get started. They’re also ultra convenient and can be a time-saver for those with busy schedules. 

There are countless home workout videos available for free on Youtube, and we have included recommendations for some channels we like in this article. You can also find paid subscription services dedicated to various kinds of workouts, or just build your own routine.

Here are six home workouts anyone can master to give you some inspiration and help you get started. 

Yoga at Home

Yoga is all about combining movement and poses (asanas) with breath work (pranayama) and is amazing for both your body and mind. 

Yoga can be very gentle, very vigorous, or anywhere in between. It helps to tone and strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and boost cardiovascular and respiratory health. There’s also evidence that a regular yoga practice can reduce stress and help to sustain good mental health. 

When you first start practicing yoga, you might find it challenging for your knees or wrists. Protect these areas with a knee sleeve and wrist sleeve to avoid injury. 

Channels we like: Yoga with Adriene, Yoga with Kassandra

Walking Workout Videos 

Walking is one of the most powerful and yet underrated forms of exercise. Getting your 10,000 steps each day can strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your cardio fitness level, and help to prevent a wide array of health problems from Type 2 Diabetes to some cancers. 

But what if it’s cold, dark, or there isn’t anywhere safe in your area to go for a walk? That’s where walking workouts come in. These workouts give you all the benefits of walking, from the comfort of your living room. Some working walkouts also include other low-impact moves to help you maximize the benefits. 

Channels we like: Get Fit with Rick, Walk at Home


Dancing comes with an array of health benefits. It not only helps to keep your heart and lungs healthy, but also improves coordination, flexibility, agility, and strength. Dancing is also associated with a reduction in stress and depression, better sleep, and increased energy. And, of course, it’s lots of fun! 

But if you’re shy or there aren’t any classes in your area, don’t worry. You can perfect your moves, have fun, and get fit at home with online dance workouts. 

Channels we like: Up to the BEat Fitness, MadFit’s Dance Party series

Mini Trampolining

Mini trampolines are incredibly popular at the moment, and are a fun and unusual way to get fit at home. Trampolining at home provides a full cardiovascular workout but is much easier on your joints than running. It also helps to tone muscles, particularly in the back, core, legs, and glutes. 

Follow along with a trampolining workout video, or simply learn a few moves and perform them in succession while you watch television or listen to music. 

Channels we like: Rebound Fitness, Boogie Bounce

Simple Circuits

Circuit training refers to performing a range of exercises in a specific order, with short rests between each “set”. It allows you to train different muscles and incorporate a mixture of cardio and strength training in a single workout. 

The other benefit of circuit training is that it’s completely customizable. Choose the exercises that work for you and will help you achieve your goals, and modify your circuit as you go. The trick is to keep pushing yourself so that your fitness improves, but not to go too hard too soon (which can lead to injury). 

Popular circuit training moves include squats, lunges, push-ups, jumping rope, jumping jacks, running in place, abdominal crunches, punches, and many more. 

Whatever types of exercises you choose to include in your circuits, we recommend that you start by looking up instructions on how to do them properly (or ask a more experienced person to show you). This will greatly reduce your risk of injury. 

Stationary Biking

If you enjoy cycling and can afford to invest in a stationary bike, this is an easy and fun way to get fit at home. Cycling is not only a great cardio workout, but also helps to build strength in your lower body. It is low impact and therefore gentle on your knees and other joints. Stationary bikes allow you to change the resistance level, so you can challenge yourself as your fitness improves. 

Cycling on a stationary bike can be tough on your back, so watch your posture and consider wearing a back brace for extra support. 

Want to make your stationary bike workout more fun? Do it in front of the television or listen to a podcast or some upbeat music while you peddle. 

What are your favorite home workouts?


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