3 Tips to Enjoy Family Health & Fitness Day
Family Health & Fitness Day is coming up! It’s a day for the whole family to spend time together and celebrate healthy, lifelong habits, and this year we're celebrating on Saturday, September 26, 2020. We inherit our genetics and health history from our families, and sometimes even our lifestyle habits. The people closest to us have a strong influence on daily choices such as diet and exercise, which ultimately affects long-term health. For almost everyone, there’s room for improvement when it comes to healthy living, and it’s not too late to make a change as a family!
Conveniently scheduled only a few days after the start of the fall season, Family Health and Fitness Day is an opportunity to share favorite meals together, create new memories, and enjoy a break from the heat of summer. The day was started in 1994 to bring awareness to the rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic conditions in the United States. This year, celebrate the day with family and consider it as a renewed commitment to living a healthy and fulfilled life! Here are Incrediwear’s 3 tips to enjoy the day to its fullest.
1) Make it fun!
The expert recommendation for daily exercise for adults is about 20 to 30 minutes each day. For children, it’s recommended at 60 minutes a day. Does this mean your family has to take turns on the stationary bike in the basement for that exact amount of time? No way! An engaging and enjoyable substitute to increase cardiovascular activity could be a group outdoor activity such as frisbee in the park or hiking in the foothills. This allows the family to have fun without it feeling like exercise.
Other fun ideas for outdoor activities include:
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Tag
- Bike ride
- Backyard obstacle course

When it comes to healthy eating habits, have fun together with food preparation. Families who cook together get to learn favorite recipes and collaborate to make a meal. Discuss nutrition and how the family can eat healthier in the future. Food preparation is most engaging when everyone helps to make the meal come together. Plus, everyone loves a good meal! As with most habit changes, making a nutritious diet a part of the daily family routine can take time. Consider every incremental change a victory.
2) Commit to Healthy Habits
Lifestyle habits can have a huge impact on your long-term health. Even if your family has a history of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, or dementia, your preventative actions can make a big difference. Focusing on diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management are all factors that can influence your health and decrease potential risks of chronic illness. Talk with family members about ways that you want to improve your health and ask them to hold you accountable.
Don’t forget to be open about discussing the stressors in your life and how you can best manage chronic stress. Try inviting members of your family to join you in health-related challenges and make it a fun family effort. One of the ways to do this would be through goal setting, which is an effective method for habit change. Set a goal such as getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night, or increasing your intake of whole, unprocessed foods in your diet. Next, write down rewards for yourself and your family to meet these goals. All of these lifestyle changes can make a difference in your life, both in short-term wellness and long-term health.
3) Make Every Step Count
A commitment to health and fitness is a lifelong journey, and the most important part is consistency. It’s important to recognize the different levels of fitness ability for the members of your family. If a loved one struggles with chronic pain, consider a low-impact activity such as riding a bike or walking. Remember, an overall healthy lifestyle starts with small steps. By celebrating Family Health & Fitness Day your loved ones are starting what can be continued through the year.
For family members who live with chronic pain, even the smallest amount of pain can be a deterrent to getting outside and participating in activities. Don’t leave anyone behind this year. At Incrediwear, we help people with chronic pain live incredible lives with our wearable technology. If joint pain is a struggle for a family member, surprise them this year with the gift of pain relief.
During this year’s celebration of Family Health & Fitness Day, enjoy the start of the fall season and continue to encourage healthy habits in your family–there’s no excuse to not be outside and enjoy the falling leaves and cool mornings. Take a step towards changing habits to live an incredible life. It’s time to get your family up and moving!