How To Get Better at Running: 7 Tips

Becoming a better runner involves more than just logging miles. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a novice lacing up for the first time, refining your running prowess demands a holistic approach. 

In this guide, we'll explore practical tips to elevate your running game. From mastering your running form to incorporating strategic training, these insights cater to runners of all levels, aiming to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. 

So, let's lace up and dive into the art of running improvement with Incrediwear.

What Are 7 Tips To Get Better At Running?

1. Understanding Running Form 

Mastering the art of proper running form is central to becoming a more efficient and injury-resistant runner. Your running form refers to the alignment of your body, the motion of your limbs, and the way your feet interact with the ground. 

Begin with posture. Maintain a straight back, engage your core, and ensure your head is in line with your spine. Pay attention to your arm movement; a relaxed swing from the shoulders aids in balance and propulsion.

Next, focus on your foot strike. Aim for a midfoot or forefoot landing rather than a heavy heel strike, which can lead to impact-related injuries. Be mindful of your stride length; shorter, quicker strides are generally more efficient. Regularly check in on your running form during your runs, especially when fatigue sets in.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to running form. Each runner may have unique characteristics influenced by factors like body structure and personal comfort. 

Consider seeking advice from a certified running coach or joining a running group for personalized guidance. Understanding and refining your running form lays the foundation for improved performance, reduced strain on joints, and an overall more enjoyable running experience.

2. Building Strength through Cross-Training

Enhancing your running capabilities extends beyond the pavement. Incorporating strength-building exercises fortifies key muscle groups and contributes to overall running resilience. 

Bodyweight exercises such as squats and lunges target the lower body, promoting muscle endurance and stability. Upper body workouts, including push-ups, aid in maintaining balance and posture during runs.

The beauty of cross-training lies in its ability to address muscle imbalances and reduce the risk of overuse injuries common in distance running. For a more comprehensive approach, consider activities like swimming, cycling, or even yoga. These activities engage different muscle groups, promoting a well-rounded fitness foundation. 

3. Cardiovascular Training for Better Endurance 

Endurance, a cornerstone of successful running, can be significantly built through strategic cardiovascular training. The heart is a muscle; like any muscle, it can be trained to work more efficiently. Incorporate interval training to elevate your heart rate in short bursts, followed by periods of recovery. 

Don't shy away from tempo runs, where you maintain a challenging yet sustainable pace. These sessions improve your lactate threshold, delaying the onset of fatigue. 

Gradually increase your weekly mileage, allowing your cardiovascular system to adapt progressively. However, moderation is key; pushing too hard too soon can lead to burnout and potential injury.

Cardiovascular training isn't solely about logging miles. Cross-training activities like cycling or swimming can complement your running routine while providing a cardiovascular boost. 

By nurturing your heart's efficiency and integrating varied training methods, you pave the way for sustained endurance and a healthier cardiovascular system, essential for conquering longer distances with ease.

4. Nutrition for Long-Distance Running

Effectively fueling your body is paramount for long-distance runners seeking optimal performance. Carbohydrates are your primary energy source, providing the necessary glycogen stores for sustained efforts. 

Incorporate complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables into your diet for a steady release of energy. Aim for a balanced mix of proteins to support muscle repair and fats for overall health.

In the days leading up to a long run or race, increase your carbohydrate intake to top off glycogen stores. During longer runs, consider energy gels or chews for a quick carbohydrate boost. 

Hydration is equally critical; maintain a consistent water intake and, for extended efforts, consider electrolyte-replenishing drinks.

5. Mastering Race Day Strategies

Race day is the culmination of weeks of training, and strategic planning can make all the difference. Begin by ensuring you've practiced your nutrition and hydration strategies during training runs to avoid surprises. Stick to familiar, easily digestible foods to minimize the risk of gastrointestinal issues.

Pacing is critical for a successful race. Start at a pace that feels comfortable and allows for a strong finish. 

If you aim for a specific time, consider breaking the race into segments with slightly varied paces. Stay mentally focused and resist the temptation to start too fast in the excitement of the event.

Hydration stations are your allies; take advantage of them, but avoid overhydration. Sip water or sports drinks at regular intervals to maintain a consistent fluid balance. 

Finally, embrace the mental aspect of racing. Visualize success, draw on your training achievements, and stay positive even if challenges arise.

6. Consistency and Recovery Days

Consistency is the cornerstone of progress in distance running. Establishing a regular running routine, even if it involves shorter, easy-paced runs, contributes significantly to overall improvement. 

Consistent training builds endurance, refines technique, and enhances mental resilience. However, the key is not only in what you do but also in knowing when to rest.

Incorporate scheduled recovery days into your training plan to allow your body to heal and adapt. Rest days are not a sign of weakness but a strategic element in preventing burnout and reducing the risk of injury. 

Listen to your body; if fatigue sets in, consider a lighter workout or a complete day of rest. Active recovery, such as gentle stretching or low-intensity cross-training, can also aid in muscle recovery.

Keep in mind that the gains from training are realized during recovery, both physical and mental. Prioritize adequate sleep, stay hydrated, and consider techniques like foam rolling to alleviate muscle tension. Balancing consistent training with dedicated recovery ensures that you're not just running more but running better.

7. Getting the Right Gear

Investing in the right gear is a pivotal step toward getting better at running. Start with a reliable pair of running shoes that provide proper support and cushioning based on your running style. Consider your foot arch, pronation, and the type of terrain you'll be covering.

For added support during and after runs, some runners find benefit in utilizing wearable recovery gear. Brands like Incrediwear offer leg sleeves designed to support circulation and reduce muscle fatigue. These sleeves, discreet yet effective, can be a valuable addition to your gear collection.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating dynamic warm-ups, strategic build-ups, and easy runs in your routine, coupled with proper carb intake and targeted cardio, creates a foundation for enhanced performance. After each run, prioritize a thorough cool-down, learn from elite runners, and explore podcasts for invaluable insights on a range of motion, running speed, and technique. 

Integrate speed work and fast running, focusing on engaging your glutes and hamstrings for a more efficient runner. Pick up the pace in reps during training sessions, balance with a slower pace, and consistently apply these techniques for transformative results in your running journey.


Rehydration during Endurance Exercise: Challenges, Research, Options, Methods | NIH

Dietary Intake of Recreational Endurance Runners Associated with Race Distance—Results from the NURMI Study (Step 2) | NIH

Effects of different recovery strategies following a half-marathon on fatigue markers in recreational runners | NIH

Mental Recovery and Running-Related Injuries in Recreational Runners: The Moderating Role of Passion for Running | NIH

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